Software development – how do we do IT in Poland?

6 reasons why you should move your next project to Poland There is a fine line between what it means to outsource IT services to Poland and what a software development in our country is like. It is tough to explain one without mentioning the other. The idea of IT outsourcing we have included in our recent post called 3 reasons why outsourcing to Poland is […]

Software development – how do we do IT in Poland? Read More »

Michał Nowacki

Web, mobile or desktop application – what should you choose?

The app. It has been one of the fastest trending buzzwords of last years. Many times when we hear about a successful startup or about the newest tool that everyone just cannot stop using (and talking about), there is a great chance it has to do with some kind of IT application.  When our customers ask us what could solve their

Web, mobile or desktop application – what should you choose? Read More »

Marek Domagalski
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technological debt

Freelancer or Software House – who should you work with?

Before choosing the right option, it is essential to identify the difference between freelancing and software house services. The concept of freelancing relates to a single person handling software development, typically from the shelter of their household. The person usually works for an IT company and is using some extra hours on projects for individual investors. It’s a popular method to earn

Freelancer or Software House – who should you work with? Read More »

Dawid Brezwan
Latest posts by Dawid Brezwan (see all)

3 reasons why outsourcing to Poland is the new IT thing

According to the Global Services Location Index™, Poland is one of the most popular destinations to outsource services to. At the same time, it is the only European country on the Top 10 list below. This very high rank shows a general trend across the majority of the branches of the Polish economy. Looking closer at the IT sector, we are able

3 reasons why outsourcing to Poland is the new IT thing Read More »

Marcin Różański
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